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V334 - Patch Notes

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Patch v333.5


This patch will go live March 12, 2024


  • Reverted DCS 1 and 3 back to original (removed element character from DCS 1)
  • Removed Level 8 equipment set from DCS 3
  • Added Character+Same Element Equipment Set to DCS 2

Bug Fix

  • Hiding Premium status using the @me command now hides from Guild Chat, Trade Chat and Whisper Chat

Patch v333.4


This patch will go live March 10th, 2024.

Guild War

New Feature: Win Streak Break Rewards

  • When a guild wins the Guild War and ends another guild's win streak, bonus rewards are given to the winning guild.
  • Rewards:
    • 10% Bonus Loot Crates, GEN Coin and Cash per win streak
    • Up to a maximum bonus of 100%.
    • For example, if Guild A had 2 win streaks and Guild B wins the Guild War, Guild B will get an additional 20% GEN Coin, Loot Crate and Cash.


  • Added Element Set & Character DCS to Main (#1) challenge
  • Increased chance of Lava Valley, Woods or Village DCS #1 showing up

2nd Skill Percentage Balancing

  • Element, Fire: 1.06 > 1.12
  • Element, Earth: 1.05 > 1.1
  • PVP, Equip, Axe: 1.18 > 1.22
  • PVP, Equip, Bow: 1.0 > 1.05
  • PVP, Equip, Staff: 1.0 > 1.05
  • PVP, Equip, Armor: 1.1 > 1.15
  • PVP, Equip, Shield: 1.15 > 1.25
  • PVP, Equip, Pendant: 1.05 > 1.08
  • PVP, Equip, Sword, Water: 0.9 > 0.85

Updated table can be found here: 2nd Skill Balancing Page

Mission 300 Rates

  • EXP: 160% -> 320%
  • Code: 130% -> 260%
  • Element: 150% -> 300%

Patch v333.3


This patch will go live February 4th, 2024.

Guild War


We are making changes to some of the accolades.

  • Guild Mission 300 Accolade
    • GP Bonus changed from 45% to 52%.
  • Slayer Score Accolade
    • GP Bonus changed from 36% to 45%.
  • DMS & Boss Raid Completion Accolade
    • GP Bonus changed from 15% to 22%.


  • Fixed a bug where spamming the 'ready' button in a room could guarantee Level 11 cards in PVP

Patch v333.2


This patch will go live January 21, 2024.


  • Mission 300
    • EXP: 110% -> 180%
    • Code: 85% -> 135%
    • GP Rate: 100% -> 110%
  • Quest Mode
    • EXP: 130% -> 150%
    • Code: 130% -> 150%

Guild War


We are making changes to some of the accolades.

  • Monster Kills Accolade
    • This will be removed.
  • Game Win/Loss Accolade
    • This will be removed.
  • Guild Mission 300 Accolade
    • GP Bonus changed from 65% to 45%.
  • Slayer Score Accolade
    • GP Bonus changed from 36% to 45%.
  • New Accolade Addition: DMS & Boss Raid Completion
    • GP Bonus for this accolade is 15%.
    • 10 Points per Daily DMS Completion
      • 20 Points per 5/7 DMS Weekly Completion
      • 40 Points per 6/7 DMS Weekly Completion
      • 100 Points per 7/7 DMS Weekly Completion
    • 10 Points per Complete Boss Raid Completion (does not count repeat Boss Raids).
      • 2 Points per Boss Raid stage completed (Flame, Dungeon, Forest - No repeats)


  • All Guild Points earned will be divided by 4. This is to reduce the overall point number to prevent it from going over 2.1 billion (2,100,000,000).
    • This will apply to all guilds.

Quality of Life

  • In the event that Guild Scores go over the maximum integer number (2.1 billion), the Guild Point score in the Guild Ranking board will show "-1" and will print the guild's current Guild Points in the chat instead.
  • Guild Ranking board now loads guild point scores much faster.

Patch v333.1 - Post Announcement Feedback Changes

These changes were made after gathering community feedback on the patch notes.


This patch will go live December 3rd, 2023.

Game Mode Rate Changes

Mission 300 Rates

  • Code Rate: 70% → 85%
  • Element Rate: 140% → 150%
  • GP Rate: 110% → 100%

Quest Rates

  • EXP Rate: 120% → 130%
  • Code Rate: 120% → 130%
  • GP Rate: 80% → 65%
  • Element Rate: 90% → 110%

2nd Skill % Balancing

Information on scalars and how they work can be found at the 2nd Skill Activation Balancing page.

  • REMOVED: Water Element Type, PVP Scalar Value: 1.0 -> 0.9
  • ADDED: Water Sword, PVP Scalar Value: 1.0 -> 0.9

Guild War

  • Guild Mission 300: GP Bonus at the end of the Guild War
    • 44% -> 65%

Patch v333.1


This patch will go live December 3rd, 2023.


Guild Win Streak

The Guild Win Streak system provides additional bonuses with an added challenge to guilds who win the Guild War many times in a row.

  • Prize Table
    • 1 Win Streak
      • +5% Increase in Loot Crate, GEN Coin & Cash from Guild Prize
      • 1 7-Day Star Booster, (Untradable)
    • 2 Win Streak
      • +8% Increase in Loot Crate, GEN Coin & Cash from Guild Prize
      • 1 7-Day Star Booster, (Untradable)
    • 3 & 4 Win Streak
      • +12% Increase in Loot Crate, GEN Coin & Cash from Guild Prize
      • 1 7-Day Star Booster, (Untradable)
      • 25 Enchant Fusions (Untradable)
    • 5 to 8 Win Streak
      • +5% Increase in Loot Crate, GEN Coin & Cash from Guild Prize
      • 1 7-Day Star Booster, (Untradable)
      • 25 Enchant Fusions (Tradable)
      • 1x Lv. 10/11 Fusion (Untradable)
    • 9 & 10 Win Streak
      • +5% Increase in Loot Crate, GEN Coin & Cash from Guild Prize
      • 1 7-Day Star Booster, (Untradable)
      • 25 Enchant Fusions (Tradable)
      • 1x Lv. 10/11 Fusion (Tradable)
    • 11+ Win Streak
      • +5% Increase in Loot Crate, GEN Coin & Cash from Guild Prize
      • 1 7-Day Star Booster, (Untradable)
      • 25 Enchant Fusions (Tradable)
      • 1x Lv. 10/11 Fusion (Untradable)
      • 1x Ultra Crate
  • Per Win Streak, earning Guild Points for the winning guild will decrease by 10% (-0.1), down to 0.2x.
    • For example, if your guild is on a 3 Win Streak, the GP rate multiplier for the guild will be 0.7.
  • If your guild loses a Guild War, the win streak is reset to 0.

Rate Changes

  • Guild Game Multiplier (GGM) rate increased from 1.5x to 2.5x per day
  • Base GGM rate is now 0.125, decreased from 0.2.


Erase Function

We've added a new function to the Rebirth System: the ability to erase a rebirth bonus slot.

  • @me rebirth erase <slot #>
    • For example, if you wanted to remove the 4th bonus from your rebirths, the command would be @me rebirth erase 4
  • Per rebirth erase, the rate of EXP gained by your account will be decreased using this formula: 0.9^eraseCount (0.9 to the power of the erase count your account has)
    • For example, if you've erased 3 rebirths, your new EXP rate would be: 0.729 (0.9^3 or 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9).
    • This rate can be checked via the @me rebirth command.
    • The lowest this rate can go is 0.15.
  • Rebirthing will halve your current EXP.

New Rebirth Bonuses

We've introduced 3 new rebirth bonuses:

  • 3% Chance for 5,000 Random Elements upon DMS Completion
  • 0.2% Chance for an Ultra Crate upon DMS Completion
  • 2% Chance for a Loot Crate upon DMS Completion

Donation Store Changes

We are adding an additional currency to all bundles in the donation store, X-GEN Coin, abbreviated as X-GC. X-GC will be a donation only currency and has been added to all bundles. Additional items and price changes may happen in the future as we balance pricing/reward structure.

  • Plus Bundle ($25)
    • 7 X-GC
  • Gold Bundle ($60)
    • 18 X-GC
  • Ultra Bundle ($100)
    • 35 X-GC

The @gencoin command will have additional options to redeem XGC for different items, here's a list:

  • 1x Skill 2-2 (Tradable)
    • 7 X-GC
  • 15x Skill 2-2 (Tradable)
    • 87 X-GC
  • 1x Lv. 10/11 Skill Fusion Card (Tradable)
    • 45 X-GC
  • 10x Lv. 10/11 Skill Fusion Card (Tradable)
    • 392 X-GC
  • 10x Enchantment Fusion (Tradable)
    • 12 X-GC
  • 150x Enchantment Fusion (Tradable)
    • 117 X-GC

Quality of Life Changes

  • Updated the new user's SP card distribution: Cards provided will now be more useful (Swords, Boots, etc.) with better skills for new users
  • New IP Ban System implemented
  • All SP cards set to Lv. 10
  • @guild disband now requires a second confirmation to disband
  • @me split can now split up to 500 cards
  • @me hide premium command added, allows user to hide their Premium Status
  • @dcs refresh command can now be used within a room lobby
  • @dms command can now be used within a room lobby

2nd Skill % Balancing

Information on scalars and how they work can be found at the 2nd Skill Activation Balancing page.

  • Card Type Sword, PVP Scalar Value: 0.95 -> 0.9
  • Card Type Axe, PVP Scalar Value: 1.12 -> 1.18
  • Card Type Armor, PVP Scalar Value: 1.0 -> 1.1
  • Card Type Shield, PVP Scalar Value: 1.05 -> 1.15
  • Element Type Fire, PVP Scalar Value: 1.03 -> 1.1
  • Element Type Earth, PVP Scalar Value: 1.0 -> 1.08
  • PVP Modes (Team Modes, Survival) Scalar Value: 0.63 -> 0.6
  • PVP Modes (Tournament, Fight Clubl) Scalar Value: 0.6 -> 0.53
  • Water Sword, PVP Scalar Value: 1.0 -> 0.9

DCS Updates

  • DCS Map changes:
    • Removed all maps except for: Village, Lava Valley, Ship and Woods maps

Game Mode Rate Changes

Survival Modes

  • Code Rate: 90% → 110%
  • Element Rate: 300% → 400%
  • DMS Cash Speed: 100% → 120%

Teamplay, Assault

  • Code Rate: 150% → 170%
  • Element Rate: 70% → 80%
  • DMS Cash Speed: 100% → 110%


  • EXP Rate: 140% → 130%
  • DMS Cash Speed: 60% → 50%
  • Code Rate, Element Rate: 60% → 55%