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V329.xx - Patch Notes

From Survival Project: GENERATIONS
Revision as of 16:04, 10 March 2022 by GM-Crow (talk | contribs) (Drop Rates)
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This patch is not LIVE.

New Premium Tier

In the next patch, we will be adding a new tier of Premium: Premium Ultra Plus. We have heard many requests from players who are continually progressing with their Premium EXP for a new tier.

Premium Ultra++

  • Premium EXP Required
    • 112,500 EXP
  • DMS Cash per Day:
    • 1,920
  • DMS Loot Crate % Chance to Drop:
    • 50%
  • 1st Day of the Month Bonus
    • 26,000 Cash
    • 180 GEN Coins
    • 10x Loot Crates
  • Visitor Bonus Cash
    • 600 Cash
  • Guild Point Rate Modifier:
    • +130%
  • EXP per DMS Completion
    • 480,000,000 EXP
  • DMS 7/7 Additional Prize:
    • 1x Ultra Crate
  • Rebirth Limit
    • 14
  • Boss Raid Bonus
    • 3 GEN Coins, 500 Cash, +16% extra Micro Credits
  • New Level 11 Interactions
    • Increased chance SS'E' will activate in PVP (1.15x, 15%) current rate
    • SS'E' Level 12 Chance in PVE (7%)
  • Mythic Tokens
    • Obtain 2 Extra Mythic Tokens per DMS Completed (Daily)

Premium Ultra+

  • Premium EXP Required
    • 78,750 EXP
  • DMS Cash per Day:
    • 1,820
  • DMS Loot Crate % Chance to Drop:
    • 40%
  • 1st Day of the Month Bonus
    • 23,000 Cash
    • 160 GEN Coins
    • 8x Loot Crates
  • Visitor Bonus Cash
    • 600 Cash
  • Guild Point Rate Modifier:
    • +110%
  • EXP per DMS Completion
    • 440,000,000 EXP
  • DMS 7/7 Additional Prize:
    • 1x Ultra Crate
  • Rebirth Limit
    • 12
  • Boss Raid Bonus
    • 3 GEN Coins, 500 Cash, +8% more Micro Credits
  • New Level 11 Interactions
    • Increased chance SS'E' will activate in PVP (1.08x, 8%) current rate
    • SS'E' Level 12 Chance in PVE (4%)
  • Mythic Tokens
    • Obtain 1 Extra Mythic Token per DMS Completed (Daily)

Premium Ultra

New features added:

  • New Level 11 Interactions
    • Increased chance SS'E' will activate in PVP (+5%) current rate
    • SS'E' Level 12 Chance in PVE (2%)

All Premium Tiers

  • Obtain 1 Mythic Token per DMS Complete

Super Silver 'E'

Super Silver 'E' cards will remain rechargeable, but the cost to recharge SS'E' has changed as well as the requirements.

Recharge Requirements & Cost

  • SS'E' can only be recharged with 365-day Silver Force.
  • SS'E' cards with less than 29 days of Premium cannot be recharged, we consider these non-force chargeable SS'E' cards.
  • SS'E' cards with 29 days of Premium or more can be force charged.
  • The cost for 365-Day SS'E' Force Charge is:
    • 237,600 Cash
    • 350 GEN Coins
    • 200,000 Micro Credits
    • 2,000,000,000 Code
    • 200,000 Elements of the SS'E' Type

These prices reflect the increase in availability of SS'E' cards through other means.

Drop Rates

Loot Crates and Ultra Crate drop tables have been altered with this in mind.

  • The chance to obtain an SS'E' from Loot Crate increased from 0.25% to 5.1%.
    • The chance to obtain an SS'E" that is rechargeable from Loot Crates is 0.1%.
  • The chance to obtain an SS'E' from the newly introduced Ultra Crate is 10%.
    • The chance to obtain an SS'E' from the newly introduced Ultra Crate that is rechargeable from Ultra Crates is 1.2%.
  • In the previous patch (v328), the drop rate for SS'E' was 0.1% from Loot Crates. There was no other way to obtain the card.

Lastly, 7 day SS'E' cards have been introduced to the GEN Coin store as temporary cards players can use.

Rates based on Game Mode

  • Game Modes will now target specific resources. Players can choose from the diverse set of modes available to earn their desired resource.
  • All rates displayed are in relation to previous patch.
    • For example, if 50% is displayed, this means 50% of the rate of the previous patch (v328).
    • If 100% is displayed, this is neutral compared to v328.

Tournament, Fight Club

  • EXP Rate: 140%
  • Code Rate: 60%
  • Element Rate: 60%
  • Guild Point Rate: 140%
  • DMS Cash Speed: 60%

Teamplay, Assault

  • EXP Rate: 60%
  • Code Rate: 140%
  • Element Rate: 60%
  • Guild Point Rate: 100%
  • DMS Cash Speed: 100%

Survival, King Survival

  • EXP Rate: 60%
  • Code Rate: 60%
  • Element Rate: 140%
  • Guild Point Rate: 30%
  • DMS Cash Speed: 200%

Mission 300 (Includes Boss Raid & Guild Mission Mode)

  • EXP Rate: 100%
  • Code Rate: 70%
  • Element Rate: 140%
  • Guild Point Rate: 100%
  • DMS Cash Speed: 70%


  • EXP Rate: 120%
  • Code Rate: 120%
  • Element Rate: 90%
  • Guild Point Rate: 80%
  • DMS Cash Speed: 120%

Ultra Crate

  • Ultra Crates are being introduced as a premier version of the Loot Crate.
  • Ultra Crates can be accessed using the @ultracrate command.

Ultra Crate Drop Table

  • Drop Table by Group
    • 61.5% Skill Cards
    • 8% Super Silver, Regular
    • 4% SS Magic
    • 10% Super Silver 'E'
      • Please note, only SS'E' cards with 29 days or more of Silver Force can be Force Recharged
    • 11.5% Premium Event Cards
    • 5% Random Mythic Equipment
Drop Chance Card / Item
15% Skill 1-1
15% Skill 2-1
15% Skill 2-2
5% Level 10/11 Fusion
11.5% 20x Enchantment Fusions
2% Water Super Silver, 3 Days
2% Fire Super Silver, 3 Days
2% Earth Super Silver, 3 Days
2% Wind Super Silver, 3 Days
1% Water Magic 'SS' Equipment Card
1% Fire Magic 'SS' Equipment Card
1% Earth Magic 'SS' Equipment Card
1% Wind Magic 'SS' Equipment Card
0.05% Water Super Silver 'E', 90 Days
0.05% Fire Super Silver 'E', 90 Days
0.05% Earth Super Silver 'E', 90 Days
0.05% Wind Super Silver 'E', 90 Days
0.25% Water Super Silver 'E', 31 Day
0.25% Fire Super Silver 'E', 31 Days
0.25% Earth Super Silver 'E', 31 Days
0.25% Wind Super Silver 'E', 31 Days
1% Water Super Silver 'E', 14 Days
1% Fire Super Silver 'E', 14 Days
1% Earth Super Silver 'E', 14 Days
1% Wind Super Silver 'E', 14 Days
1.2% Water Super Silver 'E', 7 Days
1.2% Fire Super Silver 'E', 7 Days
1.2% Earth Super Silver 'E', 7 Days
1.2% Wind Super Silver 'E', 7 Days
6.9% Premium Event Card, 7 Days
3.45% Premium Event Card, 14 Days
1.15% Premium Event Card, 30 Days
5% Random Mythic Equipment, 21 Days

Ways to Obtain

  • Ultra Crates can be obtained via the following options:
    • DMS 7/7 Completion: There is a 10% chance to drop
    • Event Giveaways on Discord or In-Game Events
    • GEN Coin Store: 120 GEN Coins per Ultra Crate
    • Premium Ultra Plus: 1 Per DMS 7/7
    • SPGENS Store Sales & Events

Loot Crate

We have updated the Loot Crate drop table for new SS'E' drop rates.

  • Please note, only SS'E' cards with 29 days or more of Silver Force can be Force Recharged

Drop Table

Drop Chance Item / Card
10% 25,000,000 Code
10% 1x Enchantment Fusion
10% 1x Skill 1 Fusion Card
10% 1x Skill 2 Fusion Card
3% 1x Skill 1-1 Fusion Card
3% 1x Skill 2-1 Fusion Card
1% 1x Skill 2-2 Fusion Card
2% 1 Day Earth Super-Silver
1% 1 Day Fire Super-Silver (replaced by Wind Super Silver during Wind SS Loot Crate Event)
8% 2x Skill 1 Fusion Card
8% 2x Skill 2 Fusion Card
5% 5 GEN Coins
8% 1,000 Cash
5% 2x Loot Crate
2.5% 1x Level 10 Fusion
8.3% 25,000 Random Elements
1% 1x Super Silver "E" Water, 7 Day
1% 1x Super Silver "E" Fire, 7 Day
1% 1x Super Silver "E" Earth, 7 Day
1% 1x Super Silver "E" Wind, 7 Day
0.25% 1x Super Silver "E" Water, 14 Day
0.25% 1x Super Silver "E" Fire, 14 Day
0.25% 1x Super Silver "E" Earth, 14 Day
0.25% 1x Super Silver "E" Wind, 14 Day
0.05% 1x Super Silver "E" Water, 31 Day
0.05% 1x Super Silver "E" Fire, 31 Day
0.05% 1x Super Silver "E" Earth, 31 Day
0.05% 1x Super Silver "E" Wind, 31 Day

Mythic Tokens

Mythic Tokens can be accessed using the @mt-info or @mythictoken command. Mythic Tokens can be obtained by Premium Users when completing DMS. Mythic tokens can be spent on the Mythic Token store where players can access level 12 equipment (usable in PVE and PVP).

Store Prices

  • 2 Day Mythic Equipment
    • 6 Mythic Tokens
  • 4 Day Mythic Equipment
    • 11 Mythic Tokens
  • 8 Day Mythic Equipment
    • 21 Mythic Tokens
  • 16 Day Mythic Equipment
    • 40 Mythic Tokens

All Mythics from the store are randomized.

Ways to obtain

  • Premium Players get 1 Mythic Token per DMS complete
    • Ultra+ and Ultra++ get 2 and 3 respectively
  • Completing DMS 7/7 will grant 6 Mythic Tokens


We have made the decision to alter DCS due to the stagnant nature of forcing ALL players to play the exact same load out. The new DCS system will better diversify gameplay, especially PVP.

  • DCS Objective #2 (1.2x EXP, CODE, ELEMENT, 2.0x GP), usually Equipment/Character
    • This objective will now generate individually/uniquely for each player.
  • DCS refresh times will remain at 1 hour and all DCS' (universal and individual) will refresh at the same time.

DCS Refresh Command

As sometimes players will get stuck with unfavorable objectives, a DCS refresh command will be available to once per refresh (once per hour).

To use this command, use @dcs refresh.

GEN Coin Store

  • Added SS'E' (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind) 7 Day Cards
    • Price: 180 GEN Coins
    • @gc-redeem 22, 23, 24, 25
  • Added Ultra Crate
    • Price: 120 GEN Coins
    • @gc-redeem 26

@me combine / Combine Command

  • Players can now combine SS'E' premium days (if players own multiple of the same one).
  • SS'E' from the GEN Coin store cannot be combined.
  • @me combine <sse-water, sse-fire, sse-earth, sse-wind>

Code Shop

  • Added Ultra Crates to Code Shop

Enchantment Fusion

New: 4th Enchantment

  • 4th Enchantment now available for ALL enchanted cards
  • The chance of naturally rolling a 4th enchantment on a card is 2%.

Buffs to Enchants

  • GP ALL Bonus Amount: Maximum that can be rolled increased from 50% -> 65%
  • GP PVP Bonus Amount: Maximum that can be rolled increased from 80% -> 100%
  • GP PVE Bonus Amount: Maximum that can be rolled increased from 80% -> 100%
  • GP Theft Chance: Maximum that can be rolled increased from 0.5% -> 2%

Targeted Enchantment Fusion

  • Enchantments can now be targeted to each slot
  • Each slot has a different cost:
    • Enchantment 1: 3 Enchantment Cards, 6,000,000 Code & 8,000 Elements per Fusion
    • Enchantment 2: 5 Enchantment Cards, 9,000,000 Code & 12,000 Elements per Fusion
    • Enchantment 3: 8 Enchantment Cards, 18,000,000 Code & 24,000 Elements per Fusion
    • Enchantment 4: 15 Enchantment Cards, 30,000,000 Code & 40,000 Elements per Fusion

When targeting an Enchantment Slot that does not have an existing Enchantment, the chance to generate a enchantment are as follows:

  • Enchantment 1: 65%
  • Enchantment 2: 27%
  • Enchantment 3: 6%
  • Enchantment 4: 2%
Command Usage
  • Command: @enchantment target <1-4>
    • Command usage: @enchantment target 2
    • A message in chat will be sent to confirm the command enabling.
    • This command will stay active until disabled, allowing you to continue to fuse repeatedly
    • This command will auto disable if you join a room, create a room, open the card shop, use card fusion other than Enchantment or disconnect from the channel. A message will be sent to confirm the command disabling.
  • Command: @enchantment target disable
    • Disables targeting of enchantment slot
  • Command @enchantment target help
    • Shows information for Enchantment Targeting.

Enchantments: GP

  • GP-PVE enchantment has been modified to apply higher rate overall

Rate Changes

  • GP Rate for PVE has been increased by +20%.

Bug Fixes

  • Bug Fix: Soccer rooms now close when the game starts.
  • Bug Fix: Boss Raid repeat Micro Credit rewards were not distributing correctly, now they distribute to all players.
  • Bug Fix: Enchantments previously were not always stacking together properly, this has been fixed.
  • Bug Fix: GP Theft was not adding stolen Guild Points for the player who stole them, GP will now be added to thieves' guild when theft occurs.