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Card Fusion

From Survival Project: GENERATIONS
Revision as of 16:14, 4 February 2025 by GM-Crow (talk | contribs) (Costs & Requirements (E1 to E2))
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  • "1. Attack Time -27%" is the First Skill
  • "2. Defense disable 1 sec" is the Second Skill
  • "(33%)" is the Second Skill Activation

What is a "max skill" in relation to first skills?

Max skills are defined as the best skill per category.

For example:

  • Swords have a first skill called Reduce Attack Time. This reduces the amount of time it takes to swing your sword or in other words, an increase to attack speed.
  • Reduce Attack Time has 3 variants.
    • Multiplier 1 (x1)
    • Multiplier 2 (x2)
    • Multiplier 3 (x3)
    • These multipliers are multiplied against your card's level. Multiplier 2 on a level 8 card would equate to 18% reduction in attack time.
  • The max skill for this category is Multiplier 3.

What is a "max skill" in relation to second skills?

Max skills are defined as the best skill per category.

For example:

  • Swords have a skill called Stop Skills 13s. This is a debuff applied to another player inhibiting their skills from activating for 13 seconds.
  • Reduce Attack Time has 5 variants.
    • Stop Skills 11 seconds
    • Stop Skills 11.5 seconds
    • Stop Skills 12 seconds
    • Stop Skills 12.5 seconds
    • Stop Skills 13 seconds
  • The max skill for this category is the one with the longest duration, which is 13 seconds.

What is Fusion Mania and does it affect my fusion?

To view full information regarding how this event affects your fusions, visit our Fusion Mania page.

Skill 1 Card


This card changes the first skill on the card. Skill 1 has a higher chance to roll "max skills" of each category compared to Regular Skill Fusion, but not Skill 1-1.

  • Skill 1 randomizes the first skill through a list of applicable skills.
  • First skills scale by the card level. For example, Reduce Attack Time 3x will equate to 27% with a level 9 card. 3 x 9 = 27.
  • Max skills have a chance to be added into the list of skills. This is a 33% flat rate chance.


  • 1,000 Elements (of the card you are fusing) & 2,000,000 Code per Fusion

Guarantee System

There is no guarantee system for Skill 1 fusions.

Skill 2 Card


This card changes the second skill AND the second skill activation percentage of the card.

  • Skill 2 randomizes the second skill through a list of applicable skills.
  • Max skills have a chance to be added into the list of skills. This is a 23% flat rate chance.
  • Activation percentage for Skill 2 is a range between 24% and 28%.


  • 1,000 Elements (of the card you are fusing) & 2,000,000 Code per Fusion

Guarantee System

There is no guarantee system for Skill 2 fusions.

Skill 1-1 Card


This card changes the first skill on the card. Skill 1-1 has a higher chance to roll "max skills" of each category compared to Skill 1 or Regular Skill Fusion.

  • Skill 1-1 randomizes the first skill through a list of applicable skills.
  • First skills scale by the card level. For example, Reduce Attack Time 3x will equate to 27% with a level 9 card. 3 x 9 = 27.
  • Max skills have a chance to be added into the list of skills. This is a 55% flat rate chance.


  • 3,000 Elements (of the card you are fusing) & 7,500,000 Code per Fusion

What is a "max skill" in relation to first skills?

Max skills are defined as the best skill per category.

For example:

  • Swords have a first skill called Reduce Attack Time. This reduces the amount of time it takes to swing your sword or in other words, an increase to attack speed.
  • Reduce Attack Time has 3 variants.
    • Multiplier 1 (x1)
    • Multiplier 2 (x2)
    • Multiplier 3 (x3)
    • These multipliers are multiplied against your card's level. Multiplier 2 on a level 8 card would equate to 18% reduction in attack time.
  • The max skill for this category is Multiplier 3.

Guarantee System

The guarantee is an overall increase to the 55% flat rate chance of max skills being added to the skill list when fusing.

  • Per use of 1-1, the flat rate chance of max skills being added to the skill list when fusing is increased by 5%, up to 100%.
  • For example, if you use a Skill 1-1 and do not get your desired skill, the next fusion will have a 60% (55% + 5% = 60%) chance of max skills being included in the skill list that is randomized through.

Guarantee percentage is reset upon gifting, trading or selling the card via User Shop.

Skill 2-1 Card


This card changes the second skill on the card. Skill 2-1 has a higher chance to roll "max skills" of each category compared to Skill 2 or Regular Skill Fusion.

  • Skill 2-1 randomizes the second skill through a list of applicable skills.
  • Max skills have a chance to be added into the list of skills. This is a 30% flat rate chance.


  • 5,000 Elements (of the card you are fusing) & 10,500,000 Code per Fusion

Guarantee System

The guarantee is an overall increase to the 23% flat rate chance of max skills being added to the skill list when fusing.

  • Per use of 2-1, the flat rate chance of max skills being added to the skill list when fusing is increased by 5%, up to 100%.
  • For example, if you use a Skill 2-1 and do not get your desired skill, the next fusion will have a 35% (30% + 5% = 35%) chance of max skills being included in the skill list that is randomized through.

Guarantee percentage is reset upon gifting, trading or selling the card via User Shop.

Skill 2-2 Card


This card increases the activation percentage of your second skill. An example of this would be "Stop Skills 13s, 33%". This means there is a 33% chance of Stop Skills 13 seconds debuff applying on your opponent when attacking them.

  • Skill 2-2 rolls through a list of brackets to determine whether your percentage will increase or stay the same.
  • Skill 2-2 will not reduce your activation percentage if you fail.


Costs for Skill 2-2 are scaled based on the starting percentage of second skill activation on your card.

Percentage (starting from) Element Cost Code Cost
36% or Less 270 100,000
37% - 42% 450 150,000
43% - 46% 900 200,000
47% - 52% 2,700 500,000
53% - 55% 7,200 2,000,000
56% - 60% 9,000 10,000,000
61% - 64% 13,500 12,500,000
65% - 70% 18,000 15,000,000
71% - 75% 27,000 25,000,000
76%+ 45,000 50,000,000

Guarantee System

The guarantee is a percentage rate in which your next fusion will increase the second skill activation by 1%.

This is an example of how the guarantee system will work:

  1. Your card is 35%. You use 2-2 and do not increase the activation. A 4% chance is added to your guarantee.
  2. Upon your next fusion with 2-2, you do not increase the activation. An additional 4% chance is added to your guarantee, setting it to 8% (4+4 = 8).
  3. You fuse for the 3rd time and succeed to 36%. There are two reasons for this. Either your guarantee percentage worked or you got lucky and rolled to 36%.
  4. The guarantee then resets to 0%.

This is the guaranteed percentage table:

  • When fusing from these percentages and failing, you get this amount of guarantee percentage for your next 2-2 fusion
  • 23% or Less: +12% per fusion
  • 24% - 36%: +6% per fusion
  • 37% - 45%: +3% per fusion
  • 46% - 70%: +2% per fusion
  • 71% - 74%: +1% per fusion
  • 75% - 77%: +0.66% per fusion (66% chance to add 1%)
  • 78%+: +0.2% per fusion (20% chance to add 1%)

Fusion Mania Rates for Guarantee System

To view the updated guarantee percentages when Fusion Mania event is active, go here.

Guarantee percentage is reset upon gifting, trading or selling the card via User Shop.

Enchantments (Level Fusion Card)


Please refer to our Enchantments page for more information.

Skill Fusion (E1 Fusion)


E1 Fusion is a card that can fuse a level 9 card to a E1 card. E1 cards increase their base stats and first skill multiplier stats.

Please note: E1 fusion for Magic Cards only increases the 2nd skill activation percentage by 2% and allows for enchanting. The base stats do not change.

E1 cards will look like level 7 cards with the exception of an "E" at the top of the card. This will automatically transform to a E1 card when you ready-up in a room.

How to Obtain

Can be obtained through Loot Crates & the GEN Coin shop during event periods.


  • 150,000 Elements (of the card you are fusing) & 300,000,000 Code per Fusion

Success Rate

  • The base rate of success for E1 fusions is 2.5%.
  • If the card you are fusing has Gold Force, the success rate will be increased by 2.5%.
  • The second skill activation of the card is then added to the success rate at a rate of 0.5% per 1% of second skill activation.
    • For example, if the second skill activation of your card is 30%, the success rate added would be 15%.
  • For magic cards, the success rate is divided by 4.

Lets give an example:

  • Water Sword, 30% 2nd Skill Activation with Gold Force
    • 30% 2nd Skill Activation, success rate derived: 15% (0.5 x 30)
    • Gold Force: 2.5%
    • Base Rate: 2.5%
    • Total Success Rate: (15% + 2.5% + 2.5%) = 20%
  • Water Magic, 30% 2nd Skill Activation with Gold Force
    • 30% 2nd Skill Activation, success rate derived: 15% (0.5 x 30)
    • Gold Force: 2.5%
    • Base Rate: 2.5%
    • Total Success Rate: ((15% + 2.5% + 2.5%) / 4) = 5%


  • Can only be used on a Lv. 9 card
  • E1 cards can only be gold forced for 365 days in the Card Shop
  • E1 cards cannot be traded or listed on the User Shop

Skill Fusion (E2, E3 Fusion)


E1 and E2 cards will look like level 2 and level 3 cards with the exception of an "E" at the top of the card.


  • Quest, Mission 300 & Community
  • Usage in PVP modes in conjunction with Super Silver 'E' Cards
  • Universal 5% chance to change into a level 11 card regardless of mode

Guarantee System

The guarantee is a percentage rate in which your next fusion will be successful by 1%.

This is an example of how the guarantee system works:

  1. Your card is E1 and you are trying to upgrade the card to E2.
  2. Upon your next fusion, you fail attempting E1 to E2.
  3. A separate roll of chance triggers against your existing guarantee rate.
    1. If the card successfully fuses, the guarantee then resets to 0%.
    2. If the card is does not successfully fuse, the guarantee rate increases.

This is the guaranteed percentage table:

  • When fusing from these percentages and failing, you get this amount of guarantee percentage for your next level 11 fusion
    • 1% per failure
    • 3% per failure when Fusion Mania is active

Guarantee percentage is reset upon gifting, trading or selling the card via User Shop.

How to Obtain

Can be obtained through Loot Crates & the GEN Coin shop during event periods.

Costs & Requirements (E2 to E3)

  • 250,000 Elements (of the card you are fusing), 5,000 Cash & 500,000,000 Code per Fusion

Costs (E2 to E3)

The fusion costs for this are:

  • 400,000 Elements of your card type
  • 1,000,000,000 Code (1 billion)
  • 10,000 Cash

Success Rate

  • The base rate of success for E1 & E2 fusions is 1%.
  • If the card has 60%+ second skill activation rate, base rate is increased to 4%.
  • Fusion Mania affects the combined rate (guarantee rate & base rate) and multiplies it by the Fusion Mania bonus.


  • E2 and E3 cards can only be gold forced for 365 days in the Card Shop
  • Level E cards cannot be traded or listed on the User Shop