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  Server Information
Server Time (GMT-4) Jul. 27 - 04:39AM (GMT-4)
Servers: Online

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  • Wiki: Beginner's Guide
  • Wiki: Server Commands
  • Wiki: Custom Card Fusions
  • Wiki: Enchantments
  • Wiki: Daily Mission System
  • Wiki: Premium System

  • Event & Donate Pet List

    As requested for the new donation bundles and prizes, the pet list that are not in the shop are listed here with descriptions.

    Each pet description is vague, and may not be 100% accurate.
    [!] Pets will pick-up elements only twice per game.

    Name Image Ability
    Beagle - Increase Move-speed for 4 seconds
    - Will pick-up elements coming by
    Red Dragon - Fire Sphere attack, hits one monster, 20 damage
    - Will pick-up elements coming by
    - Increase move-speed twice per game
    Leo #1 - Critical Damage for 1.5 seconds
    - High Level Element pickup ability, will pick-up elements more efficiently
    Leo #2 - Special skills cannot be activated on you for 6.5 seconds*
    - Will pick-up elements coming by
    Magic Penguin - Increase Magic Card activation chance by 10%
    - Magic that fails will refund MP*
    - Will pick-up elements coming by
    Mini Pig - Will pick-up elements coming by
    - Elements picked up will double their amount

    SPGENS is not affiliated or associated with HanbitSoft or I.O. Entertainment.

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