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Server Time (GMT-4) Jan. 20 - 12:55PM (GMT-4)
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  • Wiki: Beginner's Guide
  • Wiki: Server Commands
  • Wiki: Custom Card Fusions
  • Wiki: Enchantments
  • Wiki: Daily Mission System
  • Wiki: Premium System

  • Features & Information

    Guides Index
    A collection of guides written by staff or the community.

    Game Guides
    -> *New - Daily Mission System
    -> Pets Effects & Stats
    -> Guilds
    -> Experience, Codes & Elements
    -> Level 10 Fusion
    -> Level 10 Stats & Technical Information
    -> Fusion Cards: Explained
    -> Acronyms and SP Terms

    Technical Guides
    -> Getting Verified
    -> DxWnd Configuration for Windowed Mode
    Super Silver Implementation
    All Super Silver cards have been changed from their default description in-game. New descriptions at the moment cannot be added to the game as the game is currently in a locked state (client wise).

    Super Silver cards will give you Premium Character & Master Card (1.2x EXP/Code), Quest Life by default.

    All Super Silver cards are stackable, meaning you can use them all at once.
    Super Silver Type Effect
    Fire Super Silver - Increases EXP & Code Multiplier by 3.0x.
    - Obtained through Loot Crates
    - Basic SS Features (C+M & Quest Life)

    - Silver Charge 365 Days: 59400 Cash
    - Silver Charge 30 Days: 18800 Cash
    - Silver Charge 7 Days: 10000 Cash
    - Silver Charge 1 Day: 2000 Cash
    Earth Super Silver - Increases EXP & Code Multiplier by 1.5x.
    - Obtained through Loot Crates
    - Basic SS Features (C+M & Quest Life)

    - Silver Charge 365 Days: 44500 Cash
    - Silver Charge 30 Days: 14850 Cash
    - Silver Charge 7 Days: 7500 Cash
    - Silver Charge 1 Day: 1500 Cash
    Water Super Silver - Increases EXP & Code Multiplier by 1.2x.
    - Obtained through Cash Shop
    - Basic SS Features (C+M & Quest Life)

    - Silver Charge 365 Days: 29700 Cash
    - Silver Charge 30 Days: 9900 Cash
    - Silver Charge 7 Days: 5000 Cash
    - Silver Charge 1 Day: 1000 Cash
    Wind Super Silver - Increases EXP, Code by 2.0x, & Elements by 3.0x.
    - Obtained through Events or during Wind SS Loot Crate event
    - Basic SS Features (C+M & Quest Life)
    - Stacks with Elemental Bonus

    - Silver Charge 365 Days: 74250 Cash
    - Silver Charge 30 Days: 24750 Cash
    - Silver Charge 7 Days: 12500 Cash
    - Silver Charge 1 Day: 2500 Cash

    Custom Cards
    SPGENS implements changes to cards. These are the list of cards that are altered.

    Card Name Effect
    Elemental Bonus Card - Increases Element Multiplier by 4.0x.
    - Obtained through GEN Coins or Loot Crates

    - Cannot be Silver Charged.
    - Stacks with Wind Super Silver
    Premium Event Pass Card Info
    - 30 day card, can be bought in Cash Shop.

    - Cannot be Silver Charged.

    Bonuses for Verified
    - 350 Bonus DMS Cash Cap per day (650 per day instead of 300).

    +8% Guild Points
    +5% Fusion Rate
    +10% Bonus Elements

    Bonuses for VIP
    - 400 Bonus DMS Cash Cap per day (1,300 per day instead of 900).

    +10% Guild Points
    +8% Fusion Rate
    +15% Bonus Elements
    Level Fusion - Instantly fuses the card to Level 9.
    - Obtained through Loot Crates

    - Cannot be Silver Charged.
    Skill Fusion - Obtained through Loot Crates

    - Upgrades current card to Level 10 (requires Level 9 card)
    - Gold Force, Fusion Mania & Premium Event card affect success rate
    - Success Rate: 4%
    - Cost: 200,000,000 (200m) Code, 40,000 Elements of Card
    - Will make card untradable, and only Gold Forcable with 365 Days
    - Will only change to Level 10 in-game, stays as Level 9 "E" Card when out of game

    - Cannot be Silver Charged.

    Custom Items & Currencies
    SPGENS adds new currencies and items to the game!

    Item Name Information
    GEN Coin - Custom currency used to purchase items that are unavailable in the Cash Shop.
    - @gc-info & @gc-redeem commands in-game for more information.
    - Obtained through Donations or Events
    Loot Crate - 6% 40,000,000 Code.
    - 15% for 1x LEVEL FUSION CARD (LVL 9 UPGRADE).
    - 4% for 2x SKILL 1 FUSION CARD.
    - 4% for 2x SKILL 2 FUSION CARD.
    - 2% for 1x SKILL 2-1
    - 2% for 1x SKILL 2-2
    - 1% for 1x RANDOM SS MAGIC CARD.
    - 3% for 10 GEN COINS
    - 5% Random Gold Force Card, 30 Days
    - 7% Earth Super Silver, 1 Day
    - 7% Fire Super Silver, 1 Day
    - 10% Elemental Bonus, 1 Day
    - 1% Card Slot +12
    - 3% Card Slot +6
    - 5% 1,000 Cash
    - 20% 50,000,000 Code
    - 4% 500 Avatar Coins
    - 1% for 1x SKILL FUSION CARD (LVL 10 UPGRADE).

    Custom Rates
    As SPGENS is a private server, we have implemented custom rates throughout the game. SPGENS rates are designed to increase as player counts for rooms increase and gamemodes that are competition based (Battle, Enjoy) have higher rates than PVE (Mission 300, Quest) gamemodes.
    Custom Fusion Rates
    Because SPGENS is a private server and rates are boosted above vanilla rates, ALL Fusions are handled differently.

    Level Fusion
    On average, to obtain a level 9 item from level 1, an average of 30,000 Elements will be used and the code required for each fusion.

    The Fusion System is based on a variable rate. The more you fail, the higher your chance to succeed your next fusion will be.

    Skill Fusion
    Item Name Information
    Skill 1 Card Changes the first skill on an card. The skill effect and percentage will change.
    Skill 2 Card Changes the second skill on a card. The activation percentage and effect percentage will change.
    Skill 1-1 Card Changes first skill on a card. Has a higher chance of landing a maximum first skill stat than Skill 1 or Regular Skill Fusion.
    Skill 2-1 Card Changes the second skill on a card. The activation percentage will NOT change, but the effect will change.
    Skill 2-2 Card Changes the second skill on a card. The activation percentage will change, but the effect will NOT change.

    Fusion Mania
    Fusion Mania is a global event for the SPGENS server. During Fusion Mania the following fusions have boosted rates:
  • Level-Up Fusion: Gain a higher chance to increase card levels from 1-9.
  • Skill-Up Fusion (Regular Skill Fusion): Gain a higher chance to obtain max skills and higher activation percentages.
  • Skill 1: Gain a higher chance to obtain max skills.
  • Skill 2: Gain a higher chance to obtain higher activation percentages.
  • Skill 1-1: NOT affected by Fusion Mania.
  • Skill 2-1: NOT affected by Fusion Mania.
  • Skill 2-2: Gain a higher chance to obtain higher activation percentages.
  • Skill Fusion/Level 10 Fusion: Gain a higher chance to succeed to upgrading a level 9 card to level 10.

  • Resource Exchange (Trade, Gift & Auto User Shop)
    SPGENS requires an account to be level 18 (Star 2) or above and be verified via Discord/Email to access Trading, Gifting & Auto User Shop.
    Oracle Anticheat
    Survival Project is an older generation game and is prone to hackers/cheaters. With SPGENS, we have written dedicated server-side code to counteract hackers/cheaters. The anticheat system is designed to mitigate longterm damage to server economy and detect users using malicious programs while playing SPGENS.

    SPGENS is not affiliated or associated with HanbitSoft or I.O. Entertainment.

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