It is not new that we are having some issues regarding the code income, but its trick to just bump it out without promoting long-term goals to our community, which is already small.
Most just ask to increase the drop of code in Quests, which might sound reasonable, but I kind of disagree with that. I will give you guys some reasons of why I believe some deeper change should be made.
I am part of a Whatsapp group, which was created after the release of this server, there are around 20 members of it.
Everybody there played for at least a while and log back from time to time or ask about the game in the group… But mostly are inactive nowdays… Why is that? Their main complains is that we don’t have rooms to just play casually, like in previous iterations, which were mostly symbol, Crystal and Survival rooms.
Almost at any given time of the day if you hop on the server, you won’t see rooms to just pick up and play, you will see 10 rooms of people solo questing with password (which is a symptom of the code issue) and one room of Teamplay. New players or not top-geared folks don’t feel welcome in these Teamplay rooms due to the obvious discrepancy in gear, and the other folks have no incentive to play anything other than quest because without that they will never touch the veterans.
At any given time of any given game, we have 95% casual and 5% hardcore, I played SP for several years and I know people who also played and never touched a triple maxed item, in MSP, hell… Some Folks after a year were still playing 7/8/8 gear and rocking it. The game is what it is, we should have incentives for health group play without sacrificing progress in the meantime. Because people feel like, if they are having fun, they are wasting time, so mostly just won’t do that… What’s the point of having nostalgia back? The veterans we have with BiS gear is just the 5% we had in like every server of Survival Back then, they always wanted to have the best gear, but the casuals are who will really bump the server and pay for stuff, because they are the 95%.
Well, let’s start with some ideas, it was just the reasoning and it turned so freaking big @_@, I am sorry about that.
1st. Questing should be more rewarding for group play.
What you mean? We already have incentive by boosting the rate for 4 or more members. YES, but in reality it does not work very well. Because you only get the code/point from the monsters you kill. So, if you are melee or not well geared, you will see the Quest cleared without hitting a single monster. That is why most people quest alone, because having people in your room doesn’t pay OFF, it hits your code/hour in a negative way. In my opinion, everyone should get rewards from every monster in the quest, does not really matter who killed it, and boosting the amount gained by some percentage by every slot occupied by a new player. With these changes, we might see more people playing together and a good incentive to do so, even if it’s just for being carried… I would also change the limits by rooms, in order to promote more gameplay around Q5 quests… Like Q1 is limited to 2, Q2 to 3, Q4 to 4 and Q5 to 8.
2nd. Mission is one of the coolest game modes in the game, but not played at all.
I really think that the best mode to get code made should be around the Mission 300, because it’s challenging, you need to know how to make the really hard ones and it’s engaging to do so. But we don’t really have incentives to do it in our current iteration, which should be changed in my opinion. I would say to give a really high BUMP past S0 in terms of code and exp. Every tier (S1, S2, S3) you would get even more codes and rewards.
In KSP, one of the main problems of Missions, was that you always needed the same 8 people in order to clear the hardest content, a guild in KSP did S14 290 every Saturday, before the server would close the guild rankings (3x ele for top 1). If one person of said guild did quit the game, they would need to do 4490 Missions with the new member in order for him to catch up.
In this iteration, I really think you guys should create a catch up mechanic, in order to promote more group play around the most rewarding game mode in the game. If I had, lets say... The Mission 200, and a friend or a couple dudes joined me and we completed this boss fight, they could be 200 too, right? Why not? We are a small community, and beyond S1 or S2 we need as much help as possible.
And people that discovered the server late or after a month or two, won’t feel like: Damn, there are only two groups of Mission and I didn’t play when they were formed.
I would like to apologize because English is not my mother tongue and I just wrote way over what I planned. I have some ideas about other game modes, but I will wait to see if it gets good feedback. Most ideas I have next are around PvP.