Hi everyone!
First off, welcome to the forums! This is going to be a great tool to have larger, long term discussions compared to Discord. To kick it off, we will be doing a poll for level 10 items.
Now before you make your decision, let me be the first to explain how the Level 10 system will work.
Level 10 System
Currently, the max percentage that can be rolled for the Second Skill Activation is 42%. (Stop Skills 11s (42%)). The level 10 system will use the activation number to determine if your item is a level 9 item, or a level 10 item.
So, prerequisites for level 10 items are as follows:
- Item must be level 9.
- Item must have 37% or higher on their second skill activation.
If those two conditions are met, joining a room with these items equipped will transform your item into a level 10 item for the duration of any room.
The items will scale their first skill and all stats on the associated item. For example, Attack Time Down's max percentage is 27%. For level 10 items, this will be 30% (Level of item * 3). Item base stats will also scale according to Survival Project's built in mechanics.
All items will be available to level towards level 10, excluding all MAGIC items.
The items used in-game do have different animations, and the card will look like a Level 1 card from the next item forward, (Pendent will look like Shield). The animations will also follow the look-a-like item's animation, but will be the animation at level 10.
Now you're wondering, how do we obtain these items?
Skill Fusion will allow you to reach 37% at it's max. To perfect an item, 42% needs to be reached, allowing max stats (new Triple Max).
Skill 2-2 will have a higher chance to reach 37%, but will not be able to go beyond.
Only the Special Skill Fusion card will allow chances of rolling anything higher than 37%.
Will these items be skillable?
Yes, you will be able to interact with your item normally. If not equipped, the item will remain level 9, with the 37%+ second skill to state that this item is a level 10 item. Notices may be put up as well for trades and gifts.
However, re-skilling a 37% item is a very risky move. Losing the 37% will drop your item to a level 9 item. There is no card in the game that guarantees 37%+. Special Skill Fusion can roll 36% as well.
Okay, what about our current items?
That's the great part about this system, is you can continue to use your current items as they will be meta. Level 9 weapons compared to level 10 will not have a huge difference in power, but will be available as an "ultimate end game goal".
Newer players will also experience an easier learning curve since old Triple Max will be easier to obtain, as well as level 9 items.
Edit: What happens if this doesn't go through?
If L10s are not to be implemented, the following changes will happen:
- L9 Level fusion will remain the same.
- Second skill activation percentage will be harder to obtain, by 20%. So 36% will be significantly more difficult.
- Special Skill Fusion will remain.
- Level 10 items will probably make it into some type of game-type for fun.
- Guilds is what's next!
That's the system.
Please carefully choose your vote and discuss if you have questions, comments for or against the idea!
- Qwahchees